Five years ago, images from the Voyager 4 probe reached Earth. Sent out by a collective human initiative, its mission was to explore, scan and photograph everything in our corner of the galaxy. New stars, new planets, strange shadows and glowing clouds filled the holoscreens of the interested public. Out of all the images, one stood out.
It was a clean look at a strange object orbiting Alpha Centauri, an impossibly perfect round loop floating in space. Behind it was a brilliant nebula, but the view through the center of the loop looked entirely different. At first, scientists conjectured that the object was simply reflecting light in some strange way. As the probe moved closer though, it became clear that it somehow provided a view into an entirely different region of space.
An alien gate? A portal? Elaborate hoax? Excited speculation intensified, and humanity's collective attention focused on the tantalizing mystery. Short-range scans showed the object was sturdy, solid, and clearly constructed by someone or something very advanced. There was only one option: Send the probe through. The world held its breath, but after a brief and agonizing delay, new images began to arrive!
Voyager 4 sent back a mix of jagged static, hints of strange stars and signs of complex but unintelligible communication broadcasts. Despite every effort, no new commands reached the probe, and its transmissions became more and more distorted. Before long, data stopped reaching Earth entirely. But by that time, the whole world was abuzz with debate and excitement over what all the data could mean. One thing was clear though: We are not alone in the universe.
Humanity rallied together through a mix of crowdfunding, government assistance, and corporate sponsorships, with a breathtaking result: the Odyssey. Capable of interstellar FTL travel, it now carries its crew of fifty humans from around the globe to voyage through what has become known as the Portal. Five years after those first images were received, we stand on the precipice of adventure!
In 1001 Odysseys, you take on the role of the bridge crew of the starship Odyssey, leading humanity's journey into the exciting unknown. Your choices drive the story, deciding how the great adventure unfolds.
In the game, your table will be transformed into the bridge of the Odyssey, with fantastic maps, discoveries, and most importantly: a book. It's full of stories to read out loud, split into thousands of numbered paragraphs that represent all the choices you might make. There are no complicated rules to sort through, the focus is on the story and your adventure!
During the Kickstarter campaign, we ran a web-driven branching prologue narrative. The backers and readers chose what happened, helping form the backstory of the Odyssey's first days in Insula!